Proven Methods to Remove Shortcut Viruses Permanently

Shortcut virus attack automatically when a USB drive or SD card is inserted and auto-run is turned on. Shortcut virus is a very harmful virus that does converts most of our important programs to shortcut folder icon and keeps the original content hidden.  The first thing we cannot change for the Shortcut virus problem is that it is cannot be removable by anti-virus programs. If you want to delete this folder you can’t able to delete this folder. The screen will display the “Access Deny” messages. Whenever you will scan the Shortcut virus infected storage with antivirus program the only result will show in screen that “No threat detected” which was really confusing and who didn’t know how to remove this virus, they just format the infected storage.
When you want to reboot your computer so this time you have to need long time for this virus. After start your computer so you can see a new problem in your computer. Then when you start your computer you can see the “CMD” opened automatically. Or the other issue will arise that when you want to copy some files from computer to pen drive or memory card. Virus will also attach to memory card also you can’t and delete this virus from your memory card.
If your computer, flash drive and other portable devices are infected by this virus, all of its files may be hidden and inaccessible until at some point that it becomes corrupted and unusable. So here i will tell you the method to remove shortcut virus from PC and Pendrive permanently
Remove Shortcut Virus using Command Prompt:
CMD (command prompt) is a special interface to execute so many tasks. To make use of command prompt to remove shortcut virus simply implement the below procedures.
  1. Plug your USB drive in PC.
  2. Open Start Menu-> Run. (Or press Win + R). In the run dialog box, type cmd.
  3. Copy the below code and paste it into CMD:
                                      attrib -h -r -s /s /d E:*.*
Replace the Letter E with your drive name. You have to enter the same drive name in which you have entered your Pendrive.
  • Now, click on enter.
  • You have successfully removed the shortcut from your Pendrive.
This command will remove the following attributes from all files inside the USB drive; hidden, read-only, system.
Remove Shortcut Virus using .Bat file
Bat file is nothing but it’s an execution of any file. You can make a .bat file easily using notepad and you have to write the same command which I mentioned above. In case if the above CMD method don’t work then try this. And also using this method you can remove the shortcut virus from all of your drive in just one single step while in CMD method you’ll have to do it separately one by one.
Copy the below code and paste it on the notepad file which you just opened.
@echo off
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive-Name:*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive-Name:*.*
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d Drive-Name:*.*
@echo complete
  1. Now replace the “Drive-Name” with your drive.
  2. Save the notepad file as removevirus.bat and save in desktop.
  3. Now double click on the file and run it.
  4. Now all shortcut virus will be removed from your drives.
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